The Country with Jamie Mackay

A former accountancy student at Otago University and Lincoln College graduate in agriculture, Jamie Mackay farmed at Riversdale for ten years before a brief and undistinguished career as a house-husband.
In 1994, he negotiated the purchase of 4ZG from Radio New Zealand, the first and only sale of a state-owned radio station to private enterprise, which went on to become Hokonui Gold. From there, the Farming Show took root before going nationwide on Radio Sport.
In 2016, The Farming Show was re-branded as The Country and introduced across even more markets on the Newstalk ZB network, alongside the existing Hokonui and Radio Sport broadcasts. Now also across the Gold AM network.
Jamie is an equity partner in a Southland dairy farm and is involved in a wetland restoration project on his home farm, where he also enjoys duck shooting with a few old schoolmates. In a past life a keen rugby player and marathon runner, these days he relaxes by getting wound up on the golf course!